Bioenergetic therapists and TRE-trainers in Scandinavia

Michael Morin Nissen, clinical psychologist, bioenergetic therapist and TRE trainer
Born 1965, psychotherapeutic practice since 2000. Licensed psychologist (University of Copenhagen), trainer in TRE (tension and trauma releasing exercises) from Germany, certified bioenergetic psychotherapist from Germany (under The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis) and further education in orgone therapy in Berlin. In Denmark, I have participated in further education in different trauma therapeutic directions. I am also a schoolteacher with my two major subjects in physical education and music.
I work full time in my private practice in Copenhagen. I have worked for 12 years as a psychologist in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society also using TRE.
I am trained in TRE® by David Berceli in Germany and have assisted Berceli at workshops in Poland and Denmark. I have trained the psychologists in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society in TRE. I drive ongoing training course in TRE in my private practice. I have a chapter in Berceli’s last book: “Using TRE with People with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society.” In D. Berceli (Ed.), “Shake it Off Naturally: Reduce your Stress, Anxiety and Tension with ‘TRE'”, pp. 102-120. Charleston, Create Space Pub. 2015. My work with TRE with people with multiple sclerosis have been researched and this research has been presented at international conferences and journals. I have also participated in a study at the neurological department for multiple sclerosis in Buenos Aires.
I have worked with TRE with traumatized refugees, with over 1000 people with multiple sclerosis in the Danish Multiple Sclerosis Society, with people with arthritis and fibromyalgia in the Danish Society for Arthritis and with people with stress, anxiety, and depression in my private practice.
I have lived in Berlin for 5 years, where I, among other things, worked body-oriented psychotherapeutically with psychiatric patients. I have, among other things, specialized in psychosomatics, neurodegeneration, and body-oriented psychotherapy. In addition, I write articles about body-oriented psychotherapy and about complementary medicine. I have also been on the editorial board for the German psychotherapeutic journal Forum der Bioenergetischen Analyse. I am a member of the Danish Psychologist Association, the Danish Psychotherapist Association, the German Norddeutsche Institut für Bioenergetische Analyze and the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and I am a registered trainer in TRE under the non-profit organization TRE FOR ALL.

Claes Ekenstam, TRE® trainer
Claes Ekenstam (1954) bor i Gøteborg i Sverige hvor han arbejder på universitetet med undervisning og forskning inden for historie. Han har udgivet bøger om kroppens historie, følelser, køn og udgivet artikler om psykoterapi.
Claes Ekenstam udgav sin Ph.D. afhandling som bog i 1993 under titlen Kroppens Idehistoria hvor han bl.a. bruger Michel Foucaults og Alexander Lowens teorier. Efterfølgende har han bl.a. sammen med andre nordiske forskere forsket i mandlighed, han bidrag har handlet om det mandlige følelsesliv. Derefter har han bl.a. skrevet om følelseslivets kulturhistorie. Claes Ekenstam beskæftiger sig bl.a. med kropslighed, følelser og relationer.
Claes Ekenstam arbejder deltid som lektor og deltid i sin egen praksis med TRE® og kropsorienteret psykoterapi.
Other bioenergetic therapists in Scandinavia
You can find bioenergetic therapists in Scandinavia by clicking on the link and submit the country you live in. All therapists you will find here are certified bioenergetic therapists under The International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis.