Research results in Bioenergetic Analysis

Courtesy of the Swiss Society for Bioenergetic Analysis (SGBAT):
Therapist Effects on Treatment Outcome in Psychotherapy: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis
Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Köhler, M., Staczan, P., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2016).
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Sensitivity analysis in multiple imputation in effectiveness studies of psychotherapy.
Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2015).
Front. Psychol., 27 July 2015
Online version
The Brief Symptom Inventory and the Outcome Questionnaire-45 in the Assessment of the Outcome Quality of Mental Health Interventions
Crameri, A., Schuetz, C., Andreae, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P., Tschuschke, V. & von Wyl, A. (2016).
Psychiatry Journal, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 7830785, 14 pages
Online version
Online version
What do Human Bodies Tell us? In Search of Statistically Significant Empirical Confirmation for “The Language of the Body”. A Study in Bioenergetic Body Diagnostics.
Koemeda-Lutz M & Peter H (2001).
Bioenergetic Analysis – The Clinical Journal of the IIBA 2002, 13 (1) 77-94. Original Paper: Psychotherapie Forum 2001 (9) 51-61.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy in Outpatient Settings. A Multi-Center Study in Germany and Switzerland.
Koemeda-Lutz M., Kaschke, M.,Revenstorf, D.,Scherrmann, T.,Weiss, H. und Soeder, U. (2006).
Pp. 513 – 532 in: Heinrich V (2011, Ed.) Handbook Bioenergetic Analysis. Original Paper in: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie PPmP 56: 480-487
Online version
Therapists’ Interventions in Different Psychotherapy Approaches: Category and Temporal Aspects.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Tschuschke, V., Schulthess, P., & von Wyl, A. (2016).
International Body Psychotherapy Journal 15 (1), 37-65 .
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Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy – Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects – Brief Research Report.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A. & Tschuschke, V. (2016).
In Bioenergetic Analysis, 26, 119-136.
Specificity and Pace Variability of Therapists’ Interventions under Naturalistic Conditions.
Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A., Tschuschke V. (2016 ).
International Journal for Psychotherapy 20 (1), 19-50
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Effects of sex and gender in ten types of psychotherapy.
Staczan, P., Schmuecker, R., Koehler, M., Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2015).
In: Psychotherapy Research • August 2015
Fundamental Reflections on Psychotherapy Research and Initial Results of the Naturalistic Psychotherapy Study on Outpatient Treatment in Switzerland – PAP-S.
Tschuschke V, Crameri A, Koemeda-Lutz M, Schulthess P, von Wyl A, Weber R (2010).
International Journal for Psychotherapy: Journal of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP) 14 (3) Nov 2010, 23 -35
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Rating Manual for the Objective Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions of Psychotherapists based on Various Theoretical Concepts.
Tschuschke V, Koemeda-Lutz M, Schlegel M (2014).
Zürich, Schriftenreihe der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, Bd. 3
ISSN: 1664-395X
ISBN: 978-3-9523782-2-9
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The role of therapists’ treatment adherence, professional experience, therapeutic alliance, and clients’ severity of psychological problems: Prediction of treatment outcome in eight different psychotherapy approaches. Preliminary results of a naturalistic study.
Tschuschke, V., Crameri, A., Koehler, M., Berglar, J., Muth, K., Staczan, P., von Wyl, A., Schulthess, P. & Koemeda-Lutz, M. (2015).
Psychotherapy Research, vol 25, issue 4, 2015, p 420-434.
Online version + Online version
Efficacy of Bioenergetic Psychotherapy with Patients of Known ICD-Diagnosis. A Retrospective Evaluation.
Ventling, C. D., Bertschi, H. & Gerhard, U. (2006)
Pp 499-512 in: Heinrich V (2011, Ed.) Handbook Bioenergetic Analysis. Original Paper in: Psychotherapeut 2006, 51 (5) 346-353.
The PAP-S (Practice of Ambulant Psycho-therapy-Study), Switzerland: Study Design and Feasibility.
von Wyl, A., Crameri, A., Koemeda, M. Tschuchke, V. & Schulthess, P. (Revised edition, 2016).
Online version
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The Pan-American Health Organization (known as OPAS/OMS in Brazil) is an international public health institution with over a century of experience dedicated to improving health conditions in the Americas. Its integration with the United Nations occurs when it acts as the regional office of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the Americas. It is also affiliated to the Organization of American States (OAS).
The organization has an important role in the improvement of public health policies and services through the transfer of technology and the dissemination of knowledge accumulated from studies undertaken in member countries. This requires a level of international co-operation between technicians and scientists specialized in epidemiology, environmental health, human resources, communications, services, the control of zoonotic diseases, medication and the promotion of health.
Popular practices closely related to the natural world became associated with the 1960’s counter-culture lifestyle at the same time as the popularity of alternative medicine grew in opposition to self-care and the debate about medicalization gained force.
The principle of integrated medicine is to construct an inclusive paradigm, to bring in what is different.
– In the 1970’s what had been termed ‘popular’ came to be called ‘alternative’.
– In the 1980’s ‘alternative’ became known as ‘complementary’.
– In the 2000’s the integrative concept aims to include these practices in mainstream medicine.
The combination of integrated practices and primary care is a Brazilian model which is being copied in other countries.
With the publication in May 2006 of the Alternative and Complementary Practices Policy, the Brazilian Health Ministry took an important step towards increasing the plurality of health services in the country.
Bioenergetic analysis (BA) has already starting been included on the lists of integrative and complementary practices in some states, which demonstrates both its preventive and a curative effectiveness.
These are some of the social projects undertaken by societies affiliated to the Latin American Association of Bioenergetic Analysis (FLAAB).
Original title: Migräne und Boenergetische Analyse
Author: Rainer Mahr
In: Der Körper in der Psychotherapie, Dagmar Hoffmann- Axthelm(Hrsg), Transform, 1991,S.1790185 ISBN 3-926692-21-9
Abstract: This is a study of the bioenergetic work with a patient with migraine.
Original title: Körperpsychotherapie zwischen Psychoanalyse und Physik
Author: Rainer Mahr
In: Energie und Charakter, Nummer 14, 1996
Publisher: David Boadella, Benhard Maul
Tel: 030 456 3882 Fax 030 622 7801
c/o Thomas Stoehr
Torfstr.25.D – 13353 Berlin
Tel: 030 453 4249
Body psychotherapy shows that psychotherapy altogether is involved with the human organism and its processes. We only know about psychic phenomena’s by its expression of the human body either by talking or by the body itself. Even communication with the soul is only possible by processing of the body.
Psychotherapeutic processes are always energetic processes for modern physics says that there is nothing in our universe but energy. Besides you can show that the human processes of life are energetic processes of regulation. So, mental and psychic phenomena’s would be energetic processes too.
Author: Alice Kahn Ladas, Ed.D., CBT + Harold S. Ladas, Ph.D.
In: The Connecticut Society of Bioenergetic Analysis.
68% of the female therapists, members of the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis in 1977, answered a mail questionnaire concerning the effects of Bioenergetic therapy on themselves and their clients. Although 87% disagreed with one or more of the theories of Bioenergetic Analysis (and were therefore not “true believers”), between 70-89% reported increased capacity for self assertion, greater energy, improved breathing, increased capacity to experience pleasure, improved physical health and self esteem, improvement in sexual functioning and capacity to love and unification of sexual and tender feelings in relationships, diminished chronic muscle tension and greater ability to cope with depression.
Dr. Alice Kahn Ladas
241 Central Park West
New York, NY 19002
Phone: (212)873-1067 or (505)471-6791
Fax (212)873-1068
Author: Dr. Ulrich Gudat
In: Psychotherapie Forum (1997),5: p.28-37
Bioenergetic Analysis as developed by Alexander Lowen can be briefly characterized as a psychotherapeutical method comprising psychoanalytic, body-related energetical, and social systemic aspects. A post treatment study involving 309 finished outpatient therapies shows that bioenergetic analytical therapy may be applied to a wide range of mental and psychosomatic disorders. In respect of the effects of the treatment clients gave high change ratings in a standardized change questionnaire (compared with other therapy studies using the same questionnaire.) The therapists evaluate the results as most positive for some neurotic and for psychosomatic disorders; but also in the case of other mental disorders remarkable improvements are found. Bioenergetic analysis is however not a short-term therapy.
Original title: Zur Wirksamkeit bioenergetischer Psychotherapien und Stabilität des Therapieresultats: Eine retrospektive Untersuchung.
Authors: Christa D.Ventling and Urs Gerhard
In: Psychotherapeut 45: p.230-236 (2000)
This report is a retrospective investigation of the efficacy of bioenergetic therapies given to adults in a private practice setting and also a study of the stability of the therapeutic result achieved. In the spring of 1997 a total of 16 bioenergetic therapists (6 of them medical doctors and 10 psychologists), all CBTs of the Swiss Society of Bioenergetic Therapists (SGBAT), provided upon request a number of data on 319 patients who had terminated their therapies after a minimum of 20 sessions 6 months to 6 years earlier. The data included among others age, sex, hours of therapy, main character structure according to Lowen and ICD-10 diagnosis. A self-evaluating questionnaire was then constructed, to be answered anonymously, and sent to these 319 patients in late summer 1997; 290 of them could be reached and 149 (49%) answered and returned the questionnaire. It contained questions related to the psychic and physical condition, to interpersonal and psychosomatic problems, and to the effect of body work on physical consciousness, cognitive insights and changes of the quality of life.
Author: Christa D.Ventling;
Contributors: William E. White (Preface); C.D. Ventling; V. Schroeter; J. Kühntopp; and V. Heinrich, T. Wills, A.V. Halsen, S.V. Robert-Ouvray, R. Mahr.
Publisher: Karger Publications; Basel, Switzerland 2001.
The consequences of trauma in early childhood are often severe, extending into adulthood where neurotic or even psychotic personality disorders can result. Separation from a parent at birth or thereafter and sexual and/or physical abuse in young children are the traumata most often seen. But the emotional unavailability of the person the child relates to or over-stimulation of a baby can be equally disastrous. Treatment of children at an early age therefore becomes a prime issue in order to prevent more serious damage later on.
Presented here for the first time is an application of bioenergetic interventions modified to suit young children. The collection of contributions by experienced body-oriented psychotherapists, all in private practice, deal with pregnancy, birth and young childhood and provide insight into preventive as well as healing aspects.
Orignial title: Der Körper als Informationsträger – Eine Studie zur Bioenergetischen Körperdiagnostik
Authors: Koemeda-Lutz, M. und Peter, H. (2001).
In: Psychotherapie Forum 9, 51 – 61
English version:
In: Bioenergetic Analysis – The Clinical Journal of the IIBA 13 (1) 77-94
Authors: Koemeda-Lutz, M., Emmenegger, P.-A. und Peter, H. (2003).
In: Psychotherapie Forum 11, 58 – 69.
Original title: Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von ambulanten Körperpsychotherapien – EWAK
Eine Multizenterstudie in Deutschland und der Schweiz (2006)
Authors: Margit Koemeda-Lutz, Martin Kaschke, Dirk Revenstorf, Thomas Scherrmann, Halko Weiss, Ulrich Soeder
In: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie PPmP 56: 480-487
Online-Version (14 Seiten)
English: b-p research