The European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis – Psychotherapy (EFBA-P)

The European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis – Psychotherapy arose from a need for contact and communication between Bioenergetic Analysis members and societies in Europe.
It all began back in 1985 with the annual meetings that were held by Bioenergetic Analysts and which they called ‘Forum.’ The meetings were geared towards the exchange of clinical experience and theory with a view to strengthening the European identity and position within the world of Bioenergetic Analysis.
The Forum meetings were a great success and resulted in the founding of a Federation of European societies. Sixteen societies belonging to nine countries participated in this process. EFBA-P was legally founded in May 1995 in Frascati, near Rome. This also marked the first EFBA-P congress.
Nowadays EFBA-P tasks consist of:
- promoting Bioenergetic Analysis in Europe
- providing a network of support and the exchange of information among European societies and their members.
- publishing a journal known as ‘Basic’
- cooperating with the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) to promote Bioenergetic Analysis
- participating in the European world of Psychotherapy in general and specifically in the world of Body Psychotherapy. We are members of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), were we have the status of an European Wide Accreditation Organisation (EWAO). And we are member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP).
Recent developments include: the incorporation of new societies that are keen to join the Federation. We hope that in the future every European Bioenergetic Society will become a member of the federation.
Homepage for The European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis