Training in Bioenergetic Analysis in Scandinavia
The training is addressed to Scandinavian colleagues from the field of health-care, to medical doctors and clinical psychologists as well as to people who are interested in learning about body psychotherapy for their professional development

The training is addressed to Scandinavian colleagues from the field of health-care, to medical doctors and clinical psychologists as well as to people who are interested in learning about body psychotherapy for their professional development. It is intended to satisfy the growing interest in the integration of the body into psychotherapy and to continue the traditions of bodyorientated psychotherapy and Bioenergetic Analysis in Scandinavia. A core group of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian participants has built up. The educational group functions as an open classroom system meaning that new participants come in once a year. The training will offer certification according to the guidelines of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) as „Certified Bioenergetic Practitioner” (CBP). It´s possible to continuing and becoming a „Certified Bioenergetic Therapist” (CBT) after 5 years training.
Workshop language: English
- Copenhagen/Denmark
- Oslo/Norway
- Gothenburg/Sweden
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